Contact: Anais Elias                                                                 

Tel: 622-9229 ex 21 / 331-7390


                                                                                                                               PRESS RELEASE



The TTCSI would like to extend warmest congratulations to newly appointed Minister of Trade, Industry and Investment, Sen. Vasant Bharath. We look forward to collaborating with him under his leadership as head of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Investment.

For the past two years, the TTCSI has enjoyed the support to the services sector provided by the Honourable Minister Stephen Cadiz. We want to thank him for his vigorous promotion of and commitment to the further development of the services sector of Trinidad and Tobago. We look forward to continuing our strong relationship with him in his new portfolio at the head of one of the largest services industries, tourism.

As the TTCSI strives to create the conditions for the further development of the local Services Industries, we look forward to the support of Minister Bharath in our endeavors to increase local firms export.

The TTCSI reaffirms its commitment to developing strong public-private partnerships as we continue on the road to sustainable development for the nation of Trinidad and Tobago.


          For further information, please contact the TTCSI Secretariat


45 Cornelio Street Woodbrook, Port of Spain, Trinidad, W.I.

Tel.: 1(868) 622-9229; Fax: 1(868) 622-8985