The goal of forming a regional coalition to lobby and represent the interests of service providers got one step closer with the recent signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Trinidad and Tobago Coalition of Services Industries (TTCSI) and Barbados Coalition of Service Industries (BCSI).
Signing on behalf of TTCSI was its Chairman, Dav-Ernan Kowlessar, while the President of BCSI, Wynthrop Catwell signed on their Coalition’s behalf. The signing ceremony took place in Barbados and formalized several months of cooperation between both Coalitions. Speaking at the signing ceremony, Chairman Kowlessar advised that the goal of the recently established Trinidad and Tobago Coalition of Services Industries (TTCSI) was to become “a robust and sustainable not-for-profit organization, with wide impact, and capable of defending the interests and enhancing the capacity of the diverse services sector of Trinidad and Tobago, in the face of increasing international competition”. President Catwell responded by advising that BCSI shared a similar goal.
The two Coalitions entered into the MOU to support each other’s efforts at attaining their respective objectives through mutually beneficial cooperation with each other. The parties agreed to support regional initiatives as they relate to trade in services, including the strengthening of regional cooperation and networks, strengthening the region’s competitive position and promoting the realization of the CSME, as it pertains to trade in services.
TTCSI and BCSI also agreed to share and exchange knowledge, technical skills, learning experiences and best practices, and to encourage the harmonization of standards amongst their respective members.