TTCSI Forges Ahead
2007 has been a whirlwind year for the Trinidad & Tobago Coalition of Services Industries.
TTCSI New Year Mix n Mingle
Opening Remarks A pleasant good afternoon to all. I am Nirad Tewarie, the CEO of TTCSI. I would like to warmly welcome you to TTCSI’s annual Mix and Mingle where we get the opportunity to interact in an informal setting with our members and other
Keynote Address – Unleashing ICT for Development feat Aneesh Chopra
Address by The Honourable Carolyn Seepersad -Bachan – Minister of Public Administration
Welcome Remarks – TTCSI CEO Mr. Nirad Tewarie – Launch of National Services Week 2010
If the diversification of the economy is to be achieved, it is the services sector which will drive the process.