“Advancing a shared Agenda”
November 20-22,2013- Washington, DC-www.c-caa.org
A Breakfast Discussion
“Services of the Caribbean (SOCA) Launch”
November 21, 2013; 7:30-8:45am
This event is a launch of an initiative to expand the CBI to include services. The economies of the Caribbean are heavily dependent on activity in the services sector. With many Caribbean countries facing crippling national debt, expanding trade with the region’s largest external trading partner, the United States, is a surefire means to recovery. At this event, the Trinidad and Tobago Coalition of Services Industries (TTCSI) will explain the new Services of the
Caribbean (SOCA) partnership with other regional private sector interests and DC-based advocacy firm, Manchester Trade, to create new opportunities for CARICOM-US trade in the services sector. Come and find out how you can be a part of this game- changing initiative.
Sally Yearwood, Executive Director
Caribbean Central American ActionCommentators: Nirad Tewarie, CEO
Trinidad & Tobago Coalition of Services Industries (TTCSI)
and Chairman Services of the Caribbean
Nicholas Galt, Chairman
Association of American Chambers of Commerce in
Latin America (AACCLA)
Stephen Lande, President
Manchester Trade
Becky Stockhausen, Executive Director
AmCham Jamaica
and Co-Chair Services of the Caribbean (SOCA)
José Raúl Perales
Executive Director, AACCLA /
Director Americas, US Chamber of Commerce
Sponsored by: TTCSI